Monday, 30 December 2019

Merchandise Loss Prevention (Outline)

 Preventing employee theft
1) Formal and structured integrity program
2) Ability for employee’s to report and be rewarded for reporting internal theft
3) Clear accountability and consistent enforcement on policies
4) Most importantly, employee engagement and buy in to the goals and objectives of the store/department/etc..

Shoplifting prevention
1) Specific training on customer service and re-engagement
2) Store and employee goals or key performance indicators tied to loss (shrink/damages)
3) Ability to secure product
4) Willingness to prosecute and file police reports

 Administration theft and errors
1) Internal controls and reporting on product flow (Sales, Returns, Damages, In Transit)
2) Separate department monitors the above outside the business unit

Preventing Organized theft
1) Employee reporting (quality over quantity)
2) Company support for tools and resources to ID and collect relevant information
3) Mall security support to collect, report and provide evidence
4) Law Enforcement support to investigate and prosecute
5) Legislative and Judicial Branch support


Crime Prevention Adviser
Telephone: 514-396-0612

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